ICSM ISO19115-1 Metadata Best Practice Guide

Class (abstract) - MD_Identification

When capturing information on a spatial resource, it is important to identify and categorise information as pertaining to the data or service resource and to distinguish this information from that which applies to the metadata itself. MD_Identification provide an abstract package, the properties of which can be expressed for data (MD_DataIdentification) or service SV_ServiceIdentification) resources.


Basic information required to uniquely identify a resource or resources.

ISO Requirements

At least one [1..*] MD_Identification must be present in a metadata record. This must be instantiated as a MD_DataIdentification or SV_ServiceIdentification instance.

ISO Associations

MD_Identification is an abstract class that can be instantiated as either

It is a child of

Child packages -

Concrete subsclasses of MD_Identification

One of


Plus the following:

Other packages - not yet addressed by MDWG

Atributes and packages

Click on the attribute name for guidance:

Others - not yet addressed by MDWG


Identification information about a resource is of high importance to document as this information strongly impacts on the ability of a user to asses the resource fitness to use. The identificationInfo package must be of either type data (MD_DataIdentification) or service (SV_ServiceIdentification).

ICSM Best Practice Recommendations

Therefore - there must be at least one (and usually just one) identificationInfo packages in a metadata record that contains the substantive information about a cited resource.


UML diagrams

Recommended elements highlighted in yellow

