ICSM ISO19115-1 Metadata Best Practice Guide

Resource Status ★★★★

In order to quickly find, categorise and evaluate the fitness of a resource to our needs it is useful to include in our metadata a high-level description of the progress status of the resource our metadata describes.

Element Name status
Parent MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_Identification
Class/Type MD_ProgressCode
Governance Common ICSM
Purpose Discovery, Management
Audience machine resource - ⭑ ⭑ ⭑
  general - ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑
  resource manager - ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑
  specialist - ⭑ ⭑ ⭑
Metadata type Descriptive, Administrative
ICSM Level of Agreement ⭑ ⭑ ⭑


The status of the resource populated from a domain of values

ISO Obligation


According to the ISO model, a resource may exist in many states. Not all values are mutually exclusive. This element is optional and has only been lightly discussed. As it has been determined a valuable element we may want to increase these recommendations.

The resource may be data or service, MD_DataIdentification or SV_ServiceIdentification.

ICSM Best Practice Recommendations

Therefore - The status of a resource is valuable information to those who may want to use it. It is recommended that the status field be populated and regularly updated as needed. At least one instance of this element should be populated in all metadata records.

As the harvesting of metadata to more general-purpose catalogues is desirable, some thought needs to be given to crosswalk with boolean values (CKAN) or those that only accept one occurrence of this element. Values for this element must come from the MD_ProgressCode codelist.

Possible Values for status (codelist - MD_ProgressCode)

Outstanding Issues

CKAN It has been indicated that CKAN records in its related field boolean values for this item. Boolean does not map well to ISO domain values. Some options in the MD_ProgressCode are noncompatible some are compatible. Clarification and validation would be useful.

Crosswalk considerations

Dublin core / CKAN / data.gov.au

Maps to data status





UML diagrams

Recommended elements highlighted in yellow
