ICSM ISO19115-1 Metadata Best Practice Guide

class - MD_Identifier

In order for machines and people to distinguish singlton elements cited a Metadata record MD_Metadata , a method to provide a unique identifier.


Provides a value uniquely identifying an object within a namespace

ISO Associations

Sub Elements for class MD_Identifier


authorities as agents

Some metadata implementations use system information in the authority field however authority implies agency and the CI_Citation object makes it clear an agent (person or, more likely an organisation) should be recorded here, not a system.

indicating authorities

Resolvable identifiers (URIs) for authority likely of interest to MDWG members have been established using persistent identifiers by the Australian Government Linked Data Working Group for use in this field:

These identifiers may be used in appropriate authority fields (i.e. with a CI_Citation XML block) to better indicate authority agencies than either a (likely short-lived) website address or just the name of them in text and street address/phone contact information and so on.

More identifiers for more authorities can be added uplon request to the AGLDWG.

ICSM Best Practice Recommendations

Therefore - it is recommended that the MDWG develop general advise on the use of MD_Identifier - particularly concerning the use of <mcc:codespace> and leverage the ability of combining this element with its mandatory sibling element <mcc:code> to provide a linkage to a cited resource. It would also be beneficial to discuss other sibling elements <mcc:authority>, <mcc:version> and <mcc:description> and develop any needed advice on their general use.


UML diagrams

Recommended elements highlighted in yellow

