ICSM ISO19115-1 Metadata Best Practice Guide

class - CI_Responsibility

One of the most important benefits of metadata is to allow people to conect over common interest and needs. In order to provide a standardised way of capturing information describing people and organisations when cited in a metadata record, a shema, by way of the CI_Responsibility is provided.


information about the party and their role.

ISO Associations (May be found in)


CI_Responsibility has at its core three elements:

Associated Classes to CI_Party


CI_Responsibility is a complex class that provides a good deal of flexibility while maintaining structure enough to provide conformity. In the ICSM community, the minimum general guidance for CI_Responsibility is to include the role , name (of organisation preferred), positionName and electronicMailAddress. Other requirements exists according to purpose for which it appears in the metadata.

As a codelist, CI_RoleCode can be extended as needed. To improve consistancy, in most instances this should done under the the auspices of ICSM MDWG.

Citations use CI_Citation and cite the party responsible using CI_Responsibility. CI_Responsibility may be used without CI_Citation. CI_Responsibility is an aggregate of one or more parties (CI_Party). CI_Party may be specified as CI_Individual and/or CI_Organisation.

The the 2018 ammendment to ISO19115-1 the partyIdentifier element was added to CI_Party to allow the use of Identifiers for people and organisations such OrcID.

ICSM Best Practice Recommendations

Therefore - to remain in allignment with ICSM best practices, it is recommended that all CI_Responsibility instances follow the general guidance of ISO 19115-1 unless directed otherwise. The mandatory element role must be populated in all instances noting the the type and form of the contents in this field is dependent on location in the metadata record. In addition, for minimal conformity, name (of organisation preferred), positionName and electronicMailAddress should also be popiulated. The use of the new partyIdentifier element added in the 2018 ammendment to the standard is encouraged by all parties.

Note BC 18-7 - MDWG may wish to further standardise the use of CI_Responsibility

Crosswalk considerations


In iso19115-1 Data type CI_ResponsibleParty (iso19115:2004) changed to type CI_Responsibility. The CI_ResponsibleParty was restructured in order to allow more flexible associations of individuals, organisations, and roles. The CI_Responsibility/extent element was added in order to allow specificationof the spatial and temporal extent of a role.



                  <gco:CharacterString>OpenWork Ltd</gco:CharacterString>
                        <gco:CharacterString>Metadata Bob</gco:CharacterString>
                     <cit:positionName gco:nilReason="missing">


UML diagrams

Recommended elements highlighted in yellow

