{Element or Package Title} ★★★★★
{stars indicate level of ICSM importance / priority}
{A brief description about the problem this element addresses - why we need it. Where it sits in the metadata hierarchy.} | | | | — | — | | Element Name | serviceTypeVersion | | Parent | MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>SV_ServiceIdentification | | Class/Type | characterString | | Governance | Domain, Agency | | Purpose | Discovery, Evaluation, Use | | Audience | machine resource - ⭑ ⭑ | | | general - ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ | | | resource manager - ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ | | | specialist - ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ | | Metadata type | descriptive | | ICSM Level of Agreement | ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ |
{In context definition}
ISO Requirements
{Verbal description with links of the cardinality (e.g. [1-*]) and obligation of the element and its class}
{This section captures the thinking behind the use of this element. The following aspects in this order are considered:
- Why this element is import?
- What we need it for?
- Who should capture this information?
- Whom is it useful to?
- When should the information be captured?
- Where is it important, with what resource?}
ICSM Best Practice Recommendations
{Therefore - statement about what, why, who, when and how MDWG recommend this element be used} {A brief statement of MDWG guidance on use of this element}
Recommended Sub-Elements
{MDWG recommended sub-elements and how to populate them. May be nested.}
- {sub-elementName} - (type - {name of type}) [{cardinality}] - {brief guidance statement}
- {sub-elementName} - (codelist - {name of codelist}) [{cardinality}] - {brief guidance statement}
- {sub-elementName} - (class - {name of class}) [{cardinality}] - {brief guidance statement} -
- {sub-elementName for above class} - (type - {name of type}) [{cardinality}] - {brief guidance statement}
- {sub-elementName for above class} - (codelist - {name of codelist}) [{cardinality}] - {brief guidance statement}
- {sub-elementName for above class} - (class - {name of class}) [{cardinality}] - {brief guidance statement}
Also Consider
{Links to additional useful information. Usually other elements, packages and classes in this best pratice document. May also link to other external resources.}
{element name} - {description of importance and utility with any links}
{element name} - {description of importance and utility with any links}
{class name} - {description of importance and utility with any links}
Outstanding Issues
{Unresolved issues of discussion are captured here in Markdown Notes format}
{If there is any major issue of concern, Name it and discuss here}
{Issue Name} {Issue discussion points and items which need resolution}
Other discussion
{from other sources of note - other standards and implementations. In Markdown Notes format. Such as:}
{DCAT Notes} - {Discussion of issue}
{From data.govt.au} - {Discussion of issue}
Crosswalk considerations
{Discussion of issues, if any, to guide migration from ISO19139}
Dublin core / CKAN / data.gov.au {if any}
{mapping to DC element
and discussion}
{mapping to DCAT element
and discussion, if any}
{mapping to RIF-CS element
and discussion, if any}
{example - if any useful}
{example - if any useful}
{### who - example - if any useful}}
{<in context xml/>}
UML diagrams
{Captured from official ISO documentation at https://www.isotc211.org/hmmg/HTML/ConceptualModels/index.htm?goto=1:12:2:4095} Recommended elements highlighted in yellow