ICSM ISO19115-1 Metadata Best Practice Guide

class - CI_OnlineResource

Most metadata contains information about resources that are avaliable online. In order for machines and people to to retrieve such resources cited in a Metadata record MD_Metadata , a method of access must be provided. CI_OnlineResources provides a standard way of describing such access wherever such is documented in a metadata record.


information about on-line sources from which the resource, specification, or community profile name and extended metadata elements can be obtained

ISO Associations

Other sub elements

ICSM Best Practice Recommendations

It is recommended that the MDWG further develop general advise on the use of CI_OnlineResource - particularly concerning the use of the “Other sub elements” The function element, while optional, can ususally be populated through automated means according to the parent element.ß


UML diagrams

Recommended elements highlighted in yellow

