ICSM ISO19115-1 Metadata Best Practice Guide

Resource Series ★★★

Very often, resources identified in a catalogue are part of a larger body of work. When this is the case it is useful to document such a relation in the metadata. The resource metadata element series is designed for this purpose.


Information about the series, or aggregate resource, of which the resource is a part.

ISO Obligation

ICSM Best Practice Recommendations

From class CI_Series


The content of all three CI_Series elements are free text and optional. How one would link back to the series metadata is unclear. It could be captured in “Name” as a resolvable URI. Perhaps through the Parent Metadata element? What is the relation between “Series” and “Parent Metadata”

It is conceivable that there may be more than one series to which a dataset may belong. The dataset may be part of a time series while also part of a thematic series. But, by the standard, a resource may only belong to one cited series. Guidance needs to be developed for users on this topic.


Series has proven to be a difficult element to pin down for a number of reasons. Below is a list of issues that should be included in good practice guidance on this element:

Until these topics are resolved we do not recommend the inclusion of series as recommended elements. If series information is to be captured, the minimum information needed would be CI_Series > name.

It may be better to use other elements such as parentMetadata or associatedResource to capture series type relationships.

Crosswalk considerations


Maps to prov:wasMemberOf


Maps to Context

Also Consider



                        <gco:CharacterString>OpenWork GeoData Series
                     <cit:issueIdentification gco:nilReason="missing">


UML diagrams

Recommended elements highlighted in yellow

