Contains Operations ★★★★
Once a service is discovered, potential users need to know what operations the service provides and on what resources it operates. Provision of the specifics of the operations allows such evaluation and use.
Element Name | containsOperations |
Parent | MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>SV_ServiceIdentification |
Class/Type | SV_OperationMetadata |
Governance | Common ICSM |
Purpose | Evaluation, Use |
Audience | machine resource - ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ |
general - ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ | |
resource manager - ⭑ ⭑ | |
specialist - ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ | |
Metadata type | structural |
- ICSM Level of Agreement - ⭑ ⭑
provides information about the operations that comprise the service
ISO Requirements
This is an ISO optional element. There may be zero or many [0..*] containsOperations entries for the cited resource in the SV_ServiceIdentification package of class SV_OperationMetadata in a metadata record for a service resource.
It is useful when documenting a service to document the particular operations that the service can be called upon to do. As many of the services we may call will have operations that summarise the operations that the service provides it may be better to document this one service in order not to duplicate or cause confusion. GetCapabilities would be an example of this as would an OpenAPI endpoint as implemented in OGC API common based services.
ICSM Best Practice Recommendations
Therefore - if a potential client of a service is to use such service once discovered, descriptions of the functionality and use of operations provided should be documented in metadata of a geospatial service. When there exists an operation that details the operations available, such as GetCapabilities or an OpenAPI/Swagger endpoint, it is recommended that this operation be captured here. Further operations detailed by such a service need not be detailed here. At a minimum, the ICSM recommended sub-elements to be populated include operationName, distributedComputingEnvironment, operationDescription, connectPoint.
Recommended Sub-Elements
- operationName - (type - charStr) [1..1] - Mandatory. A unique identifier within the service for this interface e.g. GetCapabilities, OpenAPI
- distributedComputingPlatform - (codelist - DCPList) [1..*] - Mandatory by ISO 19115-1. Distributed computing platforms on which the operation has been implemented. Suggest use of Web Services as default value as use of this element is not clearly described or agreed upon.
- operationDescription - (type - charStr) [0..1] - Highly recommended. Free text description of the intent of the operation and the results of the operation
- connectPoint - (class - CI_OnlineResource [1..*] - Mandatory. Handle for accessing the service interface. Usually a complete URL. Recommend that this be the full path to a GetCapabilities document. Recommended connectPoint sub-elements include for service operation:
- linkage - Mandatory for (class - CI_OnlineResource). A URL link to invoke the service.
- protocol - E.g. WFS, WFS, CSW
- function - Drawn from codelist - CI_OnlineFunctionCode. Use if appropriate values are available.
- parameter - (class - SV_Parameter) [0..*] - Recommended when parameters are needed for the operation. A description of the parameters that can be provided to the operation.
Other Optional Sub-Elements
- invocationName - (type - charStr) [0..1] - The name used to invoke this interface within the context of the DCP. The name is identical for all DCPs. The mandatory elements operationName and connectPoint usually suffice thus making invocationName superfluous in most cases
- dependsOn - (class - SV_OperationsMetadata) [0..*] - Recommended when there exists operations that must be completed immediately before current operation is invoked. When multiple, structured as a list for capturing alternate predecessor paths and sets for capturing parallel predecessor paths
Related Codelists
DCPList - codelist
There are 10 options to choose from in the Distributed Computing Platform code list (DCPList). At least one must be chosen when describing a service operation. As the use of this codelist has not been agreed upon, current ICSM guidance is to use webService as default value unless there is clear reason otherwise. Available values are as follows:
- XML - eXtensible Markup Language
- CORBA - Common Object Request Broker Architecture
- JAVA - JAVA programming language
- COM - Component Object Model - Microsoft’s framework for developing and supporting program component objects
- SQL - Structured Query Language - a standard interactive and programming language for getting information from and updating a database
- SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol
- Z3950 - ISO 23950, an international standard client–server, application layer communications protocol for searching and retrieving information from a database over a TCP/IP computer network.
- HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol
- FTP - File Transfer Protocol
- webServices - Default - any web based services
Outstanding Issues
Distributed Computing Platform Codelist The mandatory selection of DCPList values presents some area for disagreement and varied implementation. The values available and guidance of their use and purpose is lacking.
Other Notes
OGC API Notes - The `containsOperations’ equivalent in OGC API Records (under development) will likely describe the operations available on a single path. A Path Item MAY be empty, due to ACL constraints. The path itself is still exposed to the document viewer but they will not know which operations and parameters are available.
Crosswalk considerations
ISO 19119/19139
None Known
Dublin core / CKAN /
None Known
operationDescription maps to dcat:endpointDescription connectPoint maps to dcat:endpointURL
connectPoint maps to Location/Electronic/@type=’url’
Also Consider
Coupled Resource - Present an option to connect a coupled resource to a particular operation.
{example - if any useful}
{example - if any useful}
{### who - example - if any useful}}
<srv:DCPList codeList=""
<gco:CharacterString>Description of available operations</gco:CharacterString>
<cit:name gco:nilReason="missing">
<cit:description gco:nilReason="missing">
<cit:CI_OnLineFunctionCode codeList=""
UML diagrams
Recommended elements highlighted in yellow