OWL Resources

OpenWork Ltd website

OWL Projects

Geodata.nz catalogue
Geospatial data catalogue which harvests from multiple catalogues like the old Geodata.gov. Serves as a testbed for catalogue and metadata improvements.
Odysseus web browser
Developed by Adrian Cochrane of OpenWork for elementary OS and to help people rely less on centralized webservices for (re)discovering webpages.
Rhapsode web browser/voice assistant
Developed by Adrian Cochrane of OpenWork to show how The Web can target new mediums.
Lightweight geospatial analysis using the Discrete Global Grid Systems standards.

Code Repositories

Hosted for the New Zealand Open Source Society by Catalyst Cloud in NZ.
Because most software developers have an account there.

ISO/TC 211

International standardization in the field of digital geographic information.
Contains links to resources for accessing and using models and schemas from the ISO/TC211 Standards.
The ISO/TC 211 Multi-Lingual Glossary of Terms has been compiled from International Standards developed by ISO/TC 211.
Provides background information on geospatial standardization: a standard and different types of standards are defined; the development and implementation of standards are described; and key standards bodies for fundamental geospatial datasets are introduced.
Geodetic registry
Structured database of coordinate reference systems and transformations that is accessible through this on-line registry system.


GeoNetwork Metadata plugins
Precompiled GeoNetwork plugin schemas for v3.6.
Installing GeoNetwork
Instructions for how to install GeoNetwork 3.4.4 on a Debian server.

More cool stuff!

Paul Ramsey's blog & talks
Excellent writing and presentations on GIS, open source software, and business models from a founder of the PostGIS spatial database.
Local-first software
Explores ideals for professional and creative software that have the ability to work offline and collaborate across multiple devices, while also improving the security, privacy, long-term preservation, and user control of data.
Low Tech Magazine
An off-the-grid solar-powered blog that explores issues around energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.