ANZMetLite v2 Help

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Thumbnails & Distributions

After completing the tabs, the next step is to link the metadata to representational images (Thumbnails) and access points (Distributions).

Thumbnails & Distributions

The Link to an online service button presents a tool with two useful options to make your metadata more useful:

Add a distribution

Link a distribution dialogue Selecting the Add a distribution radio button presents a simple interface with three fields

Once the Add Link is selected, the metadata will be& disstrobutionsappended to include this distribution. The distribution will now also appear in the Thumbnails & Distributions panel.

Note: The Add link anyway button will also add distribution information to the metadata. This may be useful in cases where distribution by mean other than online may be offered. Consult your administrator.

Add a Thumbnail

Thumbnail images are useful for providing users a representational image that indicates nature of the resource. Sometimes this may be a sample from the resource. Sometimes a logo may be more appropriate. Add thumbnail Selecting the Add a thumbnail radio button presents a new interface. Three separate sections present three different methods by which a thumbnail may be added.

A Link to a service (if editing dataset metadata) or Link to a dataset (if editing service metadata) button will present itself in the upper right of the Thumbnails & Distributions window.

Clicking this button will present a window whereby exixting metadata records can be linked.